Couture Cake Classes – Christmas Cake

10 December 2010
by Phuoc

Are we painting today?

It looks like a scene from an arts class doesn’t it? But it’s not. I was recently invited by Couture Cake Classes to come along to a Christmas cake decorating class. In the future I would love to own a business where I’d spend my days creating wonderful wedding/birthday/christening cakes, but for now I can only dream. I don’t have any experience with cake decorating with fondant so it was going to be interesting to see how I go. It’s like playing with play dough right?

We started off the class by learning how to make a few figurines for the cake; these included a Christmas tree, penguin, polar bear and presents. Although it may look like the easiest thing to do, I think everyone (including me) had a slightly difficult time getting the perfect Christmas tree. To make the branches, you have to make snippets in the fondant; the trick was to cut it very deep and at a 45 degree angle but I was afraid of cutting it too much. The other figurines were easy to make as it was a matter of making a few different shapes and sticking them together. I liked how everyone’s figurines had slightly different characteristics and seeing the different presents that everyone made.

Then we moved onto learning how to cover the cake. We were provided with a fruit cake each and besides making sure the cake was levelled, the first thing we had to do was plug up all the holes with marzipan. The marzipan was then used to cover the entire cake before a layer of fondant was placed on top. It is essential to ensure that when you are covering a cake that there are no lumps and bumps on it otherwise it would show when you cover it with fondant.

The covering of fondant was new to me; I had always wondered how cakes were covered so perfectly with fondant. We rolled out the fondant and working as fast as we could to prevent the fondant from drying out we draped the fondant over and smoothed it onto the cake, any air bubbles found underneath the surface were gathered and burst with a pin.

Now here comes the fun part; the decorating. Snowflakes were cut and dusted with sugar crystals, presents were laid near the tree and polar bears and penguins were doing their bit to help out. Everyone’s cakes looked so pretty. It was fun spending the day cake decorating; a few students were parents and were happy to have some quiet time to themselves away from their kids.

I love the idea of having a white Christmas but as we all know, that is impossible here in Australia, so I thought I’d bring that magical white Christmas feeling to my cake and decided to cover my cake blue with snowflakes falling all over it. I’m quite proud of my cake decorating efforts and enjoyed the class.

If you’d like to find out more about Couture Cake Classes, they will be at stand N4 at the MasterChef LIVE event starting today and continuing onto the weekend. They will be running free cupcake decorating demonstrations and selling cake decorating tools.

Thanks once again to Sharon and Lilia for being so helpful on the day and for hosting a fun class.

Thanks to Couture Cake Classes, they are giving a 10% discount on classes to Phuoc’n Delicious readers. To redeem this discount, simply enter ‘delicious’ when you make a booking for a class (for further details, check here). This code will be valid until the end of March 2011.


  1. Jacq

    your cake is so adorable! naturally the penguin is my favourite πŸ™‚

  2. kristy @ ksayerphotography

    Your cake is so cute! I bet you were proud of your work πŸ™‚

  3. Isis-Rae

    Oh! Jorge and I have been wanting to make a fondant cake for ages! you’ll have to teach me!!! πŸ˜€

  4. dario (foodpixels)

    Really cute decorations, nice work Phuoc ! interesting class, I like anything that gives me an opportunity to be creative but, after 30+ Christmas days in the snow, my cake would have big waves, dolphins and surfers decorations πŸ™‚

  5. Margaret | fangirlish

    YOU GO PHUOC COCO!!! Awesome work on the fondant – that stuff makes me implody because I can never get the consistency right. Penguins are gold πŸ™‚

  6. Trisha

    Eeeee that is the coolest!!! I love the penguin and polar bear!!!! Your cake looks awesome and so pro!

  7. Minh

    The whole cake looks adorable, love the fat little Xmas tree! Did they give on any tips on where to buy or make fondant?

  8. angie

    Aww top stuff Phuoc! So cute =)

  9. Cathy

    I adore your cake! Well done!!

  10. chocolatesuze

    naww that penguin is the cutest!

  11. OohLookBel

    Your adorable cake is so well made. Squealing at the cuteness!

  12. MelbaToast

    The fondant penguin is so cute – too cute to eat! Looks like real Ace of Cakes stuff.

  13. Gianna@TheEmptyFridge

    This cake is just perfection! You are a pro Phuoc!
    Its just Christmas Cuteness!

  14. Sara @ Belly Rumbles

    OMG Phouc that is the cutest cake. Going to take this up professionally?

  15. Emma @CakeMistress

    Nawww, that cake is adorable!!! Great job. You’ll be making them for others in no time πŸ™‚

  16. Ladybird

    What a stunning cake – nice work! Very Christmassy indeed πŸ™‚ Glad to hear you had such a great time.. Sharon is wonderful teacher, isn’t she ?!

  17. Phuoc

    Jacq: Ha! Of course you’d love the penguin πŸ˜€

    Kristy: I was quite proud, it had fun creating something beautiful πŸ™‚

    Isis: One day m’dear…

    Dario: Funny how we want the things we don’t have hey? And your santa would me wearing sunnies and boardies no?

    Margaret: Hehe thanks! Did you make the fondant or buy it? Because the fondant we used were bought…

    Trisha: Thanks darl!

    Minh: Thanks! No, but I can find out for you…

    Angie & Cathy: Thanks! πŸ˜€

    Chocolatesuze: Everyone seems to adore the penguin, Mr Polar Bear is not feeling the love… πŸ™

    OohLookBel: Thanks Bel!

    MelbaToast: Hehe thanks! Was nice to meet you at the picnic. Go team fondant penguins! lol

    Gianna: Thanks!

    Sara: Thanks, I hope to take it up one day..

    Emma: HAHA I have had requests made already for my bf’s nephew’s 3rd birthday!

    Ladybird: Thanks. I saw your post for the birthday cake class. So cute! Yeah she is a wonderful teacher πŸ™‚

  18. Annie

    Wow ! i love your cake ! i think you’re right, having a white christmas is fun, i live in Canada and i can’t not imagine having christmas without snow. But in january i would take the australian sun any time !!!!!

  19. nic@diningwithastud

    I love Mr Polar Bear πŸ™‚ he has one of those sad faces that just makes you want to hug him….carefully of course πŸ˜‰

  20. Phuoc

    Annie: Thanks! The snow just adds that extra magical dimension, santa going down chimneys in shorts isn’t quite the same hey?

    Nic: Oh no! Mr Polar Bear isn’t suppose to look sad… It’s Christmas and Christmas should be a happy time for everyone πŸ™‚

  21. Rhonda (The Dainty Baker)

    Ohhh howww cute!!! what an awesome class to go to!! i totally didnt know this existed will def have to check it out

  22. Phuoc

    Oh do so, it’s lots of fun! They even do cupcake classes

  23. Paula

    This looks terrific, Phuoc! Great job, as usual! πŸ˜€

  24. Phuoc

    Thanks dear!

  25. deeba

    What an amazing experience,and what a gorgeous cake you made! I love it all the way!!

  26. Phuoc

    Thanks Deeba!

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