food bloggers Posts

A ghoulish dessert degustation

23 Sep 2012 | 34 Comments »

Billy, Karen and I are hosting a 6 course dessert degustation for 60 people. Feel free to join in on the fun.

Sydney Food Blogger’s Xmas Picnic

15 Dec 2010 | 23 Comments »

The second annual Sydney food blogger’s Christmas picnic was organised by Helen of Grab Your Fork and Suze of Chocolatesuze for over 60 food bloggers last weekend. It was a lovely day for socialising and feasting; this event shows how tight the Sydney food blogging community is.

Sydney Food Blogger’s Mad Hatter’s Picnic

13 Oct 2010 | 25 Comments »

Two food blogger picnics were held over the weekend in two cities; Syd and Melb. We definitely showed the Melbournian how us Sydney food bloggers throw a party. It was great catching up with everyone, putting a face to a blog and meeting new food bloggers, oh and of course feasting. There was so much good food to be had.

EPIC Food Blogger’s Spring BBQ

22 Sep 2010 | 27 Comments »

Food bloggers certainly know a thing or two about throwing a party; there is a guarantee of good food to be had by all. We kicked off Spring with a BBQ overloaded with delicious food and booze! I mean, we started off with crab and ended with wagyu grass-fed steak, could you get more epic than that?

Food Bloggers’ Dinner at Bistro CBD

2 Aug 2010 | 10 Comments »

Do food bloggers really have what it takes to cook in a restaurant serving 70 guests? Four brave Sydney food bloggers put their skills to the test to be critique.